Right On Target Program, Poverty Rate In Sabang Aceh City In 2020 Down To 14.94 Percent

ACEH - The Government of Sabang City, Aceh Province stated that the poverty rate continues to show a decline from year to year. Even now it has dropped to 14.94 percent.

"The poverty rate in Sabang City until 2020 continues to decline," said Head of the Sabang City Bappeda Faisal Azwar during the Thematic Musrenbang related to accelerating poverty reduction in Sabang City, Antara, Friday, September 3.

He explained that in 2017 the poverty rate in Sabang City was at 17.66 percent. Until 2020, the poverty rate has fallen to 14.94 percent.

Meanwhile, the Human Development Index (HDI) in Sabang City is also in the very good category, which is 75.8 percent. In fact, Sabang's HDI is better than the Aceh and national HDI average.

According to Faisal, although the poverty rate has decreased, strategies and steps to accelerate poverty reduction in Sabang City are still needed to make it more significant in the future.

"To achieve these results, we have implemented several coping strategies, including reducing the burden on the community, increasing people's income, reducing economic transaction costs, improving the quality of human resources, maintaining food stability, and overcoming the impact of disasters," said Faisal.

He explained that so far the Sabang City Government has allocated budgets that directly touch the community, such as programs to reduce the burden of public spending, education funds from elementary, middle and higher education levels.

In addition, he continued, the City Government has also allocated a budget for the cost of providing a pattern of nutritional availability of health services for children aged 0-6 years through the Movement for Healthy Children (Geunaseh) program, the cost of electricity bills and LPG gas for the underprivileged, as well as social assistance. other.

For programs to increase people's incomes and food stability, the City Government has also worked on abandoned agricultural land for the development of red chili production, shallots, upland rice, corn, cassava, and other plantation commodities.

"And also community empowerment assistance in the fields of agriculture and fisheries as well as trade and SMEs," said Faisal.

Besides that, according to Faisal, currently there are still some shortcomings that must be corrected, such as the implementation time of activities that are still not fast in realizing them.

"That's why today, we sit together in addition to discussing the acceleration of poverty reduction, we also agree on a commitment to accelerate the realization of this poverty reduction program so that it is on time and on target," he said.