Nigerian Foreigners Who Abused Their Ex-girlfriends And Took Rp2 Million In Money In Kuta Bali Are Still Being Sought By The Police

BADUNG - Police are still investigating the whereabouts of foreign nationals (WNA) from Nigeria who are suspected of being involved in the case of mistreatment of women in North Kuta, Badung Bali. The suspect is also suspected of taking the victim's money.

"Until now, the investigation is still under way to reveal the case, including the hiding place," said Badung Police Chief AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes, Friday, September 3.

The search for Nigerian citizens also involves the immigration team. A Nigerian citizen named Koffe Cristian Yao alias Harry who was reported by the victim with the initials BMS, on Saturday, August 28, went to the North Kuta Police Headquarters, Badung, Bali.

"Still in the investigation process. We have cooperated and we have shared information (with immigration) if there are any clues related to it," said North Kuta Police Chief AKP Putu Diah Kurniawandari.

The Nigerian citizen was previously reported to be an Indonesian citizen for carrying out mistreatment and carrying a wallet containing Rp2 million in cash.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for North Kuta Police, Iptu Made Purwanta, explained that the persecution took place on Friday, August 27. At that time the victim was called by a Nigerian citizen and asked to come to the residence of the perpetrator in Kerobokan Kelod.

When meeting the victim, the Nigerian citizen took the victim's bag containing her wallet, important cards and Rp2 million in cash

"Then he asked the victim for Rp 200,000,000 and (threatened) if the victim did not give it he threatened the victim to kill the victim in Ubud (Gianyar)," he added.

After that, the victim was invited by the perpetrator to go to an ATM in Kerobokan. After taking the victim's money, the perpetrator's car broke down.

There the victim fled. The perpetrators have not yet been tracked.