Reports Of Alleged Misappropriation Appear, Funeral Incentive Funds In Malang Are Processed

MALANG - The Malang City Government is in the process of disbursing incentive funds for the COVID-19 funeral team. This was done after reports of alleged misappropriation of incentive funds from Malang Corruption Watch (MCW) emerged.

Malang Mayor Sutiaji said that until now the incentive funds for the COVID-19 funeral team had not been paid for the May-August 2021 period. Currently, it is still in the process of being disbursed.

"Until now, the funds have not been paid, because the funds have not been disbursed. On my desk it is still May, June, July, August that is about to be disbursed. Approximately Rp. 2 billion," he said in Malang City, East Java, as reported by Antara, Friday, 3 September.

Sutiaji explained that the process of disbursing the incentive funds had to meet a number of requirements, such as using an accountability sheet (LPJ). If the LPJ is not completed, it will have an impact on the process of disbursing the incentive funds.

According to him, the fulfillment of these administrative requirements must be done to avoid problems and findings when an audit is carried out by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

He added that the delayed disbursement of funds was due to delays in reports from the lowest units. If the officer does not complete the report, then the application for incentive funds for the funeral team cannot be carried out.

"What is clear is that there is no embezzlement. If (there are allegations) of illegal levies, there needs to be proof," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Malang City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) I Made Riandiana Kartika added that his party had held a coordination meeting with the Malang City Environment Service regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At that time, Made continued, there was a finding that the Cemetery Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) did not absorb the food and beverage budget, because it could not make an accountability letter (SPJ).

"Then now it appears again that volunteers have not even received an honorarium, because the SPJ has not yet. It means that there is something administrative that is considered to be a hindrance here," he said.

According to him, there is a need for synchronization between the regional disaster management agency (BPBD), the environmental service (DLH), and the regional financial and asset agency (BKAD). These efforts aim to solve the problems that occur.

The Malang City Government has also transferred the Head of the UPT Cemetery of the Malang City Environment Service, Taqruni Akbar. Currently, the Head of UPT Funeral is held by Subaedi.

Previously, Malang Corruption Watch (MCW), in its report, suspected embezzlement and illegal levies (extortion) of incentives for COVID-19 funeral officers. This institution found that some gravediggers did not get their full welfare rights.

In the report, it was stated that at the Plaosan Barat Cemetery and LA Sucipto Blimbing, Malang City, one of the gravediggers reported that he had only received three payments even though the total number of grave excavations reached 11 times.

A similar incident also occurred at the LA Sucipto Blimbing Cemetery, Malang City. Officers claimed to have excavated more than 30 graves. However, at this time, the person concerned only received an incentive of Rp. 3 million.

In addition, allegations of extortion were also found under the pretext of administrative requirements, where from the total incentive value of Rp. 750 thousand, it was reported that Rp. 100,000 was deducted. Thus, officers only get an incentive of Rp. 650,000.