7 Room Concert, Artists' Survival Strategy In The Middle Of A Pandemic

JAKARTA - Conventional music concerts will no longer be possible when the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet tame. Donny Hardono, owner of DSS Music Studio, realizes that virtual concerts are the only option so that musicians can continue to work and entertain fans.

This concert is a live broadcast of music using the social media platform YouTube. The performers also apply the rules of keeping distance. Yes, they are not close together when performing.

The singer and the accompanying band are far from each other in a different room for each person. There was no applause from the crowd, only technicians helping the concert.

Holding three virtual concerts each week, that's what DSS Music has been doing since the pandemic tore apart the livelihoods of art workers. For concert expenses an open donation system was created and it was possible for anyone to donate.

"Not playing, 3 (THREE) CONSERS IN EVERY WEEK are only at # KONSER7RUANG, thanks my Music Friends," wrote Donny Hardono on his Facebook page.

Regardless of the donation received, it will be divided in half; half for performing artists, the other half for art workers and the production team.

"If the government gives me enough money, maybe # concert7space will be Total Free, because it's for art & production workers," Donny added in the next post.

Believe it or not. The donations that were collected from the 7 Room Concert were no joke. When the rock band specialist for Genesis songs, Cockpit, performed, the donations that were collected reached Rp. 85 million. In fact, when 7 Bintang + Vina Panduwinata entertained fans, as much as Rp120 million was collected from the virtual concert that lasted more than two hours.

It's not easy to hold a virtual concert with a concept like this. The main obstacle is always the unstable internet network in Indonesia. Not to mention the question of inadequate equipment.

But DSS Music fulfills those two conditions. Their studio is three houses combined. Thus the audio and video cable connection will not be delayed at all.

Yes, like in one concert hall. The sound and picture quality is also the same as what is shown on television.

Apart from Cockpit and 7 Bintang + Vina Panduwinata, there are many artists, bands, vocal groups and collaborative projects that have appeared in the 7 Room Concert. Among others, Elfa's Singers, Second Born, Fariz RM, The Soulful, Inul Daratista, Andre Hehanusa.

Donny Hardono's Passion Show Powerslaves

One of the bands most fans are looking forward to is Powerslaves. This legendary band from Semarang will perform on Sunday, July 5, 2020, at 20.00 WIB. Donny Hardono's desire to present Powerslaves can be seen from his upload since a week ago.

Meanwhile. For Heydi Ibrahim (vocals), Anwar, Fatahillah (bass), Wiwiek Soedarno (keyboards), Agung Yudha (drums) and two additional guitarists Ambang Christ and Robby Rahman, this is the first concert since the COVID-19 pandemic struck three months ago. However, Heydi Ibrahim et al actually did not stop working even though they were undergoing quarantine at their respective homes.

Last April, a new single titled Stare At Me was launched where a portion of the sales profits were donated to those affected by the pandemic. Powerslaves also often treats fans' homesickness by conducting remote jam sessions. The band, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year, will present the songs Impian, Tonight, and Find Our Love Again on their Instagram and YouTube accounts.

"(Virtual concert) is a new thing for us. Hopefully there will be no difficulties because previously we used to do virtual jamming together. It's just that, maybe our mentality will be different, because we are not facing the audience directly. Yes, it is as if we are playing alone. , "Wiwiek Soedarno said.

Regarding the profit sharing that was divided in half between the performers and the production team and partially donated to art workers affected by the pandemic, how did Powerslaves respond?

"The COVID-19 pandemic has trained us to be able to share, with anyone across any way. Whatever fortune we receive, we will definitely be grateful," Heydi Ibrahim told VOI.

"Profit sharing like this is very good. In the current crisis, there is a breakthrough from DSS Music and Mas Donny Handono who care about the condition of musicians, art workers and production teams whose activities have stopped. mutual support, "said Anwar Fatahillah.

Then, what has Powerslaves prepared to appear in the 7 Room Concert? There will be many of their hits that will be delivered in response to fan requests.

"We will prepare hits, especially from the first album, of course. Because this is a live stream that will be watched in all parts of the world," explained Wiwiek Soedarno.

Of course, Powerslaves will also invite female vocalist, Riffy Putri to collaborate on several songs. Previously, in January, Riffy had participated in the single launch concert of Only You at Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta.