MA Accepts PK Of Island H Developer Regarding Reclamation Permit, Anies Hasn't Decided His Position

JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) has granted a review (PK) proposed by PT Taman Harapan Indah as the developer of the reclamation of Island H.

The Supreme Court ordered the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan as the opposing party to PT Taman Harapan Indah to again give the island H reclamation permit.

Responding to this, the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, admitted that his party respects the Supreme Court's decision. However, Riza said Anies had not yet determined the steps to address the decision.

"We respect the decision of the Supreme Court. We will deal with this problem because we have just received the decision, let alone read the contents of the decision file in detail," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Friday, September 3.

Riza admitted that there were no further steps because the DKI Provincial Government had not yet received an official copy of the Supreme Court's decision. After the decision is received, the DKI Legal Bureau will still study it.

"After we receive it, we read it, we discuss it, and we will act. We study it, later the Legal Bureau will submit its input. There is a mechanism for existing legal rules, yes, we will wait for the results," said Riza.

For information, the lawsuit for the reclamation permit began when Anies revoked 13 island reclamation permits on September 6, 2018. PT Taman Harapan sued the revocation of the island H reclamation permit to the Administrative Court on February 18, 2019.

PTUN won the developer's lawsuit. Anies again fought back by filing an appeal to the PTTUN. Then, the PTTUN decided to still cancel the decree on the revocation of the island H reclamation permit and required Anies to revoke the decree. However, PTTUN did not order Anies to extend the reclamation permit for Island H.

Therefore, Anies and PT Taman Harapan Indah as developers have both filed an appeal to the Supreme Court. The legal process continued, until the Supreme Court finally decided to grant the appeal filed by Anies.

Continuing, PT Taman Harapan Indah submitted a review (PK) to the Supreme Court. Until finally, the PK was granted by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court returned the decision in accordance with the appeal decision which ordered Anies to issue a reclamation permit for Island H.

"Regarding PK, Cancel Judex Juris, Retrial, Reject Lawsuit (CF.JF.PT)," the verdict was quoted as saying from the Supreme Court's website.

The Judex juris that was canceled in this case was the decision at the previous Supreme Court level, which was the Cassation, which won Anies' side.

The case number 84 PK/TUN/2021 was knocked by the chairman of the Supandi assembly with assembly members Yulius and Yosran. The substitute clerk is Teguh Satya Bhakti.