Let's Register! Ministry Of Finance Opens Selection Of 110 Formation Of Auction Officials

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance has opened the selection of Candidates for Class II Auction Officers for the 2021 Period with a total quota of 110 formations that will be placed in 31 provinces throughout Indonesia.

The Director General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance Rionald Silaban said that currently the capacity of auction officials within the Ministry of Finance only covers 45.15 percent of the total formation capacity. Meanwhile, the number of Class II Auction Officers (PL II) is 135 people in 105 Auction Halls.

"Therefore, DJKN considers it necessary to accept PL II in 2021 as an effort to optimize the type of voluntary non-execution auction," he said in a press statement on Friday, September 3.

According to Rionald, the acceptance of candidates for auction officials will be carried out online from September 6-17, 2021.

"Registration and the entire selection process is free of charge," he said.

To note, the opening of the opportunity to join Sri Mulyani's team is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 189/PMK.09/2017 concerning Class II Auction Officers.

"This step was taken on the basis of improving the professional performance of auction officials and filling several Class II Auction Officer formations that had not been fulfilled in several regions and provinces," he said.

Rionald hopes that through the selection process, the Ministry of Finance, especially DJKN, will realize an efficient, transparent, accountable, fair and competitive auction as a buying and selling instrument capable of accommodating the interests of the community.

"In addition, we also believe that this activity can increase sales of business actors in order to support national economic growth and as a forum to open potential new job opportunities," he explained.

For information, throughout 2021 the voluntary non-execution auction has contributed PNBP of IDR 650 billion with a principal auction of IDR 29 trillion.

The voluntary non-execution auction is carried out on private property, individuals and business entities voluntarily either through the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) and auction halls spread throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, requirements related to completeness of documents, registration procedures, and further information can be accessed through the website https://pl2.kemenkeu.go.id.