DKI Allocates Rp1.4 Trillion DBH/DAU 2021 Budget For Handling COVID-19, The Largest In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has allocated a budget (refocusing) of Rp1.4 trillion from the revenue-sharing (DBH)/general allocation fund (DAU) in the 2021 APBD for handling COVID-19. The nominal allocation is the largest in Indonesia.

This refocusing policy is regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 17/PMK.07/2021 concerning the Management of Transfers to Regions and Village Funds for the 2021 Fiscal Year in order to support the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.

Head of the DKI Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD), Edi Sumantri, said that the budget allocation made by DKI was greater than the value set by the central government.

"The DKI Provincial Government allocates a refocusing budget that is greater than the minimum value set by the central government," said Edi in his statement, Friday, September 3.

It is known that the Ministry of Home Affairs has instructed each region to refocus at least 8 percent of the DBH/DAU. However, the DKI Provincial Government has refocused the budget for 11.44 percent.

“The DKI Provincial Government's refocusing budget allocation reached 11.44 percent or Rp. 1.4 trillion of the total DBH. This is a form of our commitment in prioritizing efforts to accelerate the handling of COVID-19," said Edi.

Edi explained that the budget was allocated for payment of incentives for health workers, incentives for supporting staff, incentives for volunteers, procurement of bufferstock for village support and operational support for vaccinations.

Then, based on data from the Directorate General of Regional Finance of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the total budget for refocusing incentives for national health workers reached Rp. 1.9 trillion and the budget allocation from the DKI Provincial Government was the largest with an allocation value of Rp. 710.15 billion.