Bangka Belitung Has The Highest COVID-19 Cure Rate In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) said, Bangka Belitung is the province with the highest rate of cure for COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Yuri said, the cure rate in Bangka Belitung is currently 86.5 percent. Based on data from the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 as of July 1, the accumulated infection cases in Bangka Belitung were 155 cases. Meanwhile, there were 134 patients who had recovered and 2 people died.

"For Bangka Belitung, in the last two weeks the addition of new cases has never been above 10. Even in the last few days there were 0 or no cases," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Thursday, July 2.

Other provinces with high cure rates are DI Yogyakarta and Lampung, with cure rates above 80 percent.

Meanwhile, the lowest cure rate was North Maluku, which was 12.8 percent. The accumulation of positive cases in North Maluku was 875 people, with 112 patients recovering and 31 patients dying.

"The one that is still the lowest is North Maluku. Because we know, North Maluku has only had an explosion of positive cases in the last two days. The hospital occupancy rate has just gone up," said Yuri.

National cure rate

Yuri continued, the cure rate for COVID-19 cases on a national scale was 44 percent. With records, there are 13 provinces that have a cure rate above 70 percent.

If you look at the recovery rate globally throughout the world, Indonesia is still at the bottom of the list. Because, he said, the COVID-19 cases that first entered Indonesia were still newer than other countries.

"Some countries that have been affected by this pandemic have had most of the patients, the percentage is much higher. For example, Japan, the cure rate is already above 90 percent," said Yuri.

"But, if we see, countries that are still experiencing it, such as Brazil are still below us," he added.

In other words, this illustrates the importance of public awareness to immediately access care services if you experience symptoms of corona virus transmission. So, he immediately got treatment and the potential for transmission could be minimized.