High Interest Strokes Borrowers, BPIP Says Illegal Pinjol Contrary To Pancasila Values

JAKARTA - Illegal online loans (pinjol) are increasingly mushrooming. Not a few are forced to transact at illegal lending companies and are subject to high interest on loans. Instead of profit, the borrower ends up in debt.

In response to this, the Special Staff of the Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Antonius Benny Susetyo views the existence of illegal loans as incompatible with Pancasila values.

"Illegal online loans are actually contrary to the values of Pancasila. With unreasonable and unreasonable interest, this means that the public's sense of justice has been hurt," said Benny in his statement, Thursday, September 2.

Benny considers that illegal borrowing is similar to moneylenders who are likened to loan sharks. They offer high-interest loans through online networks and are not registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

This very expensive loan interest is the main characteristic of moneylenders or shark loans. They charge borrowing costs or interest beyond reasonable limits.

"For example, 1 percent per day, some even charge 1 percent interest every 12 hours. They dare to charge high interest because the lure of easy requirements and fast disbursement of loan funds," said Benny.

Benny said that another thing that attracted him was the easy conditions. They lure the speed of disbursement of funds and the ease of obtaining loan requirements. It is enough to provide a photocopy of your identity and a photo of yourself, for example.

"The interest rules are made at will when the borrower fails to pay the loan. Say for up to 2 months, the loan shark may require the borrower to pay interest up to three times. The interest that continues to ensnare continues to suck the borrower until the value of the debt swells enormously. ," said Benny.

If the credit is bad, said Benny, illegal borrowing does not hesitate to act rudely when collecting debt payments. Online moneylenders use the services of debt collectors so that the borrower is afraid so that he will not want to pay his debt.

"The value of God Almighty should treat human beings as dignity which cannot be trampled on by others. Terror, intimidation, and other threats are not in accordance with the principle of justice," said Benny.