West Java Regional Police Communicative Dialogue To Prevent Tamansari Riots From Spreading

JAKARTA - The move by the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) to change the densely populated settlement in the Tamansari area into a Row House (Rudet) ended in chaos. Residents who have long occupied the Tamansari land have firmly refused.

Thursday, December 12 yesterday, became the peak of the anger of the Tamansari residents. Arguments between residents and Bandung City Satpol PP officers were inevitable, which led to mass clashes.

In order to disperse the crowd, the police officers who were on guard eventually had to fire tear gas shots. About 25 people were arrested during the clash, three of whom were caught carrying sharp weapons.

Reflecting on the incident, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that his party had taken preventive measures. One way to do this is by bringing together the two parties to communicate with each other. Hopefully, there is a way out that benefits both of them.

"Kapolrestabes Bandung has encouraged communication between the two parties, both the community and the Bandung city government," said Trunoyudo while adding that preventive measures were the right way to prevent further clashes.

"Of course we do it and prioritize conflict prevention in a communicative way," he continued.

In addition, it was said, when a number of personnel were still on alert at the location. Of course with the reason, any potential or indication of vulnerability must be prevented in various ways.

As stated in law number 2 of 2002 Article 13 concerning the obligation of the National Police to create and maintain Kamtibmas. Not only that, it was also stated that in order to continue to maintain security, the National Police must work together with other related parties who promote dialogue with the community.

"Including dialogical patrols and in the future Bhabinkamtibmas synergy with Babinsa and local village heads," said Trunoyudo.