Returning From Saudi Arabia, Wife Rejects Husband's Invitation To Have Intimate Relations And Strangles To Death

SERANG – Police finally arrested the woman who killed her own husband, A (55), by strangling her while sleeping at her house in Masigit Lor Village, Kasemen, Serang City, Banten.

The Serang City Police Chief, AKBP Maruli Achilles Hutapea, explained that the cause of the murder was because the victim had forced the perpetrator to have sex, but the perpetrator refused.

Maruli explained, the perpetrator with the initials W (56) asked the victim to have sex to ensure that his relationship with his husband was still going well after he went to work for eight years in Saudi Arabia.

“The victim asked the reported (wife, ed) to have husband and wife relations. And, the reported party refused on the grounds that they had been separated for eight years. The reported reasoned that he wanted to ask Ustaz first so that the relationship was legal,” said Maruli.

Maruli further added that the rejection made her husband emotional. He grabbed his wife's arm and led her into the room. However, the victim's actions were met with resistance from the perpetrators.

“The victim pulled the hand of the reported person to be invited to the room. The Reported Party still refused. Then the victim's hand was pulled and bitten by the victim," he said.

"The perpetrator then pushed the victim's body against the wall while strangling the victim's neck for about 15 minutes until he died," said Maruli.

The case was revealed based on the results of the examination and the crime scene. The perpetrator also admitted all his actions that caused the death of victim A.

Currently, perpetrator W has been languishing in the detention room of the Serang City Police Headquarters, in order to account for his actions.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 44 paragraphs (1) and (3) of Law no. 23 of 2003 concerning Domestic Violence (KDRT).