Members Of The DPR F-PPP Ask The Government Not To Be Careless About EHAC's Personal Data

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission I Muhammad Iqbal, regretted the news of the alleged data leak from a government-owned application, namely the Electronic Health Alert Card (eHAC) application.

Previously, it was said that 1.3 million users of the application belonging to the Indonesian Ministry of Health were affected by data leaks.

The leaked data includes user IDs containing identity card numbers (KTP), passports and data from COVID-19 test results, addresses, telephone numbers and hospital participant numbers, full names, birth dates, occupations, and photos, as well as a number of data. other important.

"The leak of personal data in this government-owned application is a form of negligence and the government's lack of responsibility, moreover, this data leak is not the only time this has happened," Iqbal told reporters, Wednesday, September 1.

Previously, data on 2 million BRI Life insurance customers was leaked and sold online. Then in May 2021, the personal data of 279 Indonesian residents from BPJS Health also suffered the same fate.

"The follow-up and investigation reports are also not clear," added Iqbal.

The secretary of the MPR RI PPP faction said that the case of leaking personal data of the Indonesian people cannot be taken lightly. Because the community has lost many times because of this data leakage case.

"In the case of data leakage from eHAC, the Indonesian Ministry of Health and related parties must apologize to the public for the occurrence of this case, not just looking for who is at fault," said Iqbal.

According to him, cases of personal data leaks on government websites and state-owned companies have affected the public, both materially and non-materially. Therefore, Commission I of the DPR asked the government and state-owned companies to continue to strengthen the data security system.

"A weak data security system can invite cyber crimes such as online fraud and others," concluded the PPP politician.

Ministry of Health Confirms Community Data in eHAC Not Leaking

Head of the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Data and Information Center Anas Ma'ruf confirmed that public data contained in the Electronic Health Alert Card (eHAC) system was not leaked and was under protection.

"Community data contained in eHAC does not flow to partner platforms. Meanwhile, community data on partner platforms is the responsibility of the electronic system operator, in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning electronic information or the ITE Law," said Anas as quoted by Antara. , Wednesday, September 1st.

Anas said the Ministry of Health was grateful for the input from those who provided information about the vulnerability so that it could be followed up to avoid greater cybersecurity risks.

Information on the vulnerability found on the eHAC partner platform was reported by VPN Mentor, a site that focuses on Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and was verified by the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) and received by the Ministry of Health on August 23.

The Ministry of Health then traces and finds vulnerabilities in the eHAC partner platforms, takes action and fixes the partner systems.

As part of mitigating cyber security risks, the Ministry of Health coordinates with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), BSSN as well as the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the National Police to investigate to track and ensure there are no other vulnerabilities that can be used to exploit the system.

"The Ministry of Health urges the public to use the PeduliLindung application, where the latest e-Hac feature is integrated in it," he said.