Adira Finance - Kemenparekraf RI Chairman Sandiaga Uno Holds 2021 Local Creative Festival Supports The Growth Of SMEs In Super Priority Destinations

JAKARTA - Adira Finance in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf RI) again held the Local Creative Festival (FKL) for the second time, with the theme "Growing with Friends". This theme is a motivation for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to grow together through collaboration, and show the spirit of moving forward.

The 2021 Local Creative Festival will last until November. This activity, which is consistently held every year, is Adira Finance's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for Indonesia, especially Sahabat Local which focuses on empowering the tourism, culture, local wisdom, and MSME sectors.

The 2021 Local Creative Festival is a form of Adira Finance's commitment to support the development of the creative economy through the RI Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's #BeliKreatifLokal and Proudly Made in Indonesia program, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in five Indonesian Tourism Super Priority Destinations (DSP), namely Lake Toba, North Sumatra; Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara; Borobudur, Central Java; Likupang, North Sulawesi; Mandalika, West Nusa Tenggara.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, appreciated Adira Finance's consistency in continuing to support SMEs in the tourism sector through the 2021 Local Creative Festival.

"The 2021 Local Creative Festival is a testament to Adira Finance's consistency and concern for SMEs in the tourism sector. More importantly, the 2021 Local Creative Festival is a capital for SMEs in the five Super Priority Destinations to grow and show the spirit of moving forward in the midst of challenges," said Sandiaga, Wednesday, September 1st.

The 2021 Local Creative Festival is an opportunity to increase the capacity of SMEs to adapt and innovate to the development of the business world, especially in the tourism industry. Aside from being a capital for growth, the 2021 Local Creative Festival is also beneficial for SME players in getting training because it uses practical methods, so that it can be applied directly in the SME business. This is a great opportunity for SMEs in maximizing their business potential in the future.

"The 2021 Local Creative Festival is in line with the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's program in re-activating the economy in the tourism and creative economy sectors in Indonesia, and is a real sustainable step taken by Adira Finance, as an example of a good collaboration in which the private sector helps the progress of SMEs in five destinations. Super Priority for Indonesian Tourism," continued Sandiaga.

On the same occasion, Adira Finance's President Director, Hafid Hadeli, explained that the 2021 Local Creative Festival is one of a series of activities for Adira Finance's 31st Anniversary. Through this activity, his party supports the government's efforts, especially the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, in advancing the creative economy sector SMEs so that together they can grow to build the Indonesian economy in the midst of the pandemic.

"This program is held in line with the company's vision of creating shared value to improve welfare," said Hafid Hadeli.

The 2021 Local Creative Festival consists of several activities which include:

1. Grand Launching of the 2021 Local Creative Festival.

2. Creative Local Award 2021, as a form of Adira Finance's appreciation to individual entrepreneurs who have shown good achievements and empowered the surrounding community through innovation and creativity. The series starts from the registration of UKM participants, selection, to judging the finalists.

3. The Night of Gebyar Adira Kreasi 2021 which is the highlight of the 2021 Local Creative Festival series. This event is held to coincide with the 31st Anniversary of Adira Finance in November at Borobudur Temple, Central Java.

The 2021 Local Creative Festival seeks to find the best SMEs from three categories of the creative economy, namely Culinary, Craft, and Fashion, from each of the five Indonesian tourism Super Priority Destinations. In the process, SMEs participating in the 2021 Local Creative Festival will be selected and assessed based on product innovation and originality, vision and mission, business models, and business strategies developed.

In addition, the objectives, as well as the business impact on the development of the tourism area ecosystem, include cultural elements and empowering community resources around their business locations.

The winners will receive prizes worth a total of hundreds of millions of rupiah in the form of venture capital, business training, and exposure in various national media, both print and online. To be able to take part in the Creative Local Award, SME participants in five Indonesian Tourism Super Priority Destinations can register through the official website of the 2021 Local Creative Festival at or from 1 to 22 September 2021.

In addition to this website, the public can also access detailed information regarding the schedule of events at each location of the Indonesian Tourism Super Priority Destinations, information on the profiles of judges and mentors accompanying participants, as well as various activities during the 2021 Local Creative Festival, on Adira Finance's social media.

The 2021 Local Creative Festival is also supported by various parties, both from the government and the private sector, such as MUFG, Zurich, Adira Finance Syariah, and Baba Rafi Enterprise.

In this case, Zurich through one of its subsidiaries, PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Tbk (Adira Insurance) continues to support FKL 2021 which is in line with Zurich's commitment to support the development of the Indonesian economy and the insurance industry in particular.

Director of Adira Insurance, Wayan Pariama, said Zurich was very proud to be able to support the Local Creative Festival which aims to open up new opportunities for MSMEs. He believes that this activity will be able to encourage growth and improve the competitiveness of MSMEs so that it will have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy as a whole

"Zurich will be present for MSME actors to provide education about the importance of protection in running a business. Not only protection of business assets, but also protection for themselves, their families, and employees, which of course greatly influences the running of the business," said Wayan.