Anies Abolished Market Odd-Even System On Transitional PSBB Extension

JAKARTA - The transitional PSBB period in Jakarta was extended to July 16. In the 14-day extension of the PSBB, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan eliminated the odd-even system in traditional markets.

"The market operating hours will be returned to normal, the odd-even is eliminated," said Anies at the DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 1.

Anies realized, the fact that the odd-even application in the market in the field did not match the expectations of the planned policy. Many traders do not heed the terms of selling in turn. The reason is, it reduces their income.

"The odd-even roads that were tried yesterday turned out to be ineffective. In practice, on odd days, even sellers entrust (merchandise) to odd-numbered sellers and vice versa. The number of visitors is also not affected by odd-even. They keep coming," said Anies.

Therefore, Anies changed the restriction policy by increasing the tight monitoring of the capacity of visitors to enter the market, attracting elements of ASN, TNI and Polri.

If the market conditions get more crowded, the authorities will prohibit visitors from entering. They have to wait until other visitors finish shopping and leave the market area.

"In total, there are 300 markets that will be closely monitored. So it is more important that we control the number of people entering rather than controlling them," said Anies.

Previously, during the first phase of the PSBB transition, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government implemented a rule by opening half of the total number of stalls in the market each day. The kiosks with odd numbers operate on odd dates, while the kiosks with even numbers operate on even dates.

This is done to reduce transmission in traditional markets which are currently prone to transmission of the corona virus. However, this did not work effectively. Because, to date, 19 markets have been closed due to 192 traders infected with COVID-19 based on the results of RT-PCR active case finding.