Update On COVID-19 As Of July 1: Most Positive Cases Of COVID-19 Are Still Donated From These Three Areas

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained the results of specimen examination as of July 1. As a result, 1,385 people tested positive for the corona virus, so that the number of positive cases reached 57,770 people.

The number of additional positive cases, based on the results of examination of 21,738 specimens. The total national examination has reached 825,636 specimens.

He said, the areas that contributed to positive COVID-19 cases still came from three regions. Among others, East Java, DKI Jakarta and South Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, based on data, 16 Provinces reported cases under 10 cases. Then in 5 provinces that recorded no additional positive cases.

In addition, several regions were also recorded to have had quite a lot of additional recovered cases. For example, Bali with 62 recovered cases and Banten with 21 people who were declared cured.

"So that today, if there are cases of recovery, it increases by 789. So that the total is 25,595 people who have recovered," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 1.

Referring to the data collected during the last week, cases recovered nationally had a percentage of 43.2 percent. This shows that the average patient recovery in Indonesia is still below the world figure, which reaches 54.23 percent.

However, when compared to each province, some regions have a percentage that is far above the world figure. At least, there are dozens of provinces whose percentage levels are above 70 percent.

Some of them are, West Sumatra at 81.1 percent, Riau with no recovery at 73.5 percent. Bengkulu with 71.2 percent, Lampung 79.3 percent, and Bangka Belitung 86.8 percent.

"These 13 provinces have a cure rate above 70 percent. This recovery can be achieved because indeed we can find confirmed cases of Covid-19 early with mild to moderate symptoms which we immediately treat in the hospital," said Yuri.

The mortality rate is below average

Meanwhile, for the case of death, said Yuri, the percentage level of Indonesia is still relatively good. Where the increase in the death rate today is 58 people. So that the total number of people who died from this virus was 2,934 people, or to 5.09 percent nationally.

According to him, when compared to the world mortality rate, Indonesia is still low. The world death rate due to this virus reaches 5.28 percent.

"This means that we are still at the world average. There are even 23 provinces whose mortality rate is below 5.28 percent, meaning it is below the global average," said Yuri.

So far, the task force is still monitoring ODP as many as 45,192, and specifically monitoring patients under surveillance in hospitals throughout Indonesia for 13,182 people. In addition, 451 Regencies / Cities from 34 Provinces have been affected by the spread of COVID-19.