Immigration Is Still Investigating The Residence Permits Of Dozens Of Nigerian Foreigners Who Beat The Police

JAKARTA - Dozens of foreign nationals (WNA) from Nigeria who were involved in the case against five police officers are still being investigated by immigration authorities. This is because during the initial inspection they had a legal visa related to a residence permit in Indonesia.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that the inspection was carried out by the immigration authorities to find out the status or authenticity of the tenants' residence permits.

"That's why we entrusted it to immigration because the problem was when we secured the documents and had a residence permit in Indonesia. That's why we left it there to be examined by immigration," said Yusri in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 1.

Meanwhile, of the dozens of foreigners, continued Yusri, three of them were proven to be the perpetrators of the beatings. This was based on the results of the examination of CCTV footage of the Green Park View apartment Blok F, Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

"There are three (involved, red) based on the results of the investigation and adjusted to the existing CCTV," said Yusri

Although there are already perpetrators in the case, investigators are still investigating the possibility of other perpetrators. Because, based on CCTV footage, the attack on five police officers from the Cyber Crime unit was carried out by more than the number of people who had already been secured.

"Is there anything else, this is what we are still investigating by the Criminal Police of the Metro Jaya Police, because we are presuming here in Article 170 and 351 of the mistreatment of the suspect," Yusri concluded.

The beginning of the case

The rioting began when five members of the Cyber Crime Polda Metro Jaya developed an online fraud case at the scene, on Saturday, June 27. Because, there is information if the perpetrator resides in one of the apartment units.

However, when he was about to check the location, suddenly a foreigner screamed as if warning his colleagues if the police came to hold a raid. The scream provoked the arrival of dozens of foreigners and immediately beat the policemen.

"Members of the Tipid Cyber sub-district have actually tried to convey that they are police, but the perpetrators still resisted and beat the officers," said Yusri, Sunday, June 28.

Finally a commotion broke out. Shortly thereafter, members of the West Jakarta Metro Police Resmob and Cengkareng Police arrived at the location and secured the 9 perpetrators of the beatings. Moments later, the police arrested 2 other perpetrators who had fled. In total, the suspects who have been secured have reached 11 people.

"Initially, nine Nigerian nationals were arrested. Last night there were two additional foreigners, so there were eleven in total," said Yusri.