Internet Access Affects Teachers' Ability In Technology Acceptance

JAKARTA - The absence of internet access in schools greatly affects the ability of teachers to accept technology. Especially in the current pandemic conditions where teachers have to work from home (wfh)

This fact was revealed by an education expert from Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Prof. Dr. H Aminuddin Prahatama Putra MPd.

"In fact, acceptance of this technology is very important because it is closely related to the overall performance of teachers, in addition to other factors such as climate and school culture," he said in Banjarmasin, Tuesday.

According to Prof Amin, one of the goals of modern education is to prepare students to live in a digital world.

"Of course, this requires the use of appropriate technology, where the use of technology really depends on how much the teacher accepts it," explained the Professor of Biology Education, FKIP ULM.

Prof Amin quoted data from the Education Office in 2020 that there were 94 public schools and 38 private schools that had internet access, while schools that did not have internet access were 43 public high schools and 23 private high schools.

According to him, schools that have internet access will easily access the internet to support learning. Meanwhile, schools that do not have internet access cannot access learning support from the internet, unless they use access independently.

Prof. Amin stated that the quality of education must be supported by facilities and infrastructure that become school standards. In the end, it affects the ability of students to learn.

As an example of computer laboratory facilities, according to Amin, schools already have these facilities, so their students can directly learn computers.

m computer. But there are still 6 public high schools and 18 private high schools that don't have them.

Meanwhile, schools that do not have these facilities do not know how to use computers unless they take courses outside of school.

Based on data from the South Kalimantan Education Office in 2020, there are 131 public high schools and 43 private high schools that have laboratories