June Inflation 0.18 Percent, BPS: Race Chickens Become The Main Contribution

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded inflation in June 2020 at 0.18 percent month to month (mtm). Inflation in June 2020 was higher than inflation that occurred in May at 0.07 percent. The inflation was due to an increase in several commodities, one of which was chickens and eggs.

Head of BPS Suhariyanto said inflation for the calendar year as of June 2020 was 1.09 percent and annual inflation was 1.96 percent. Of the 90 cities observed by BPS, 76 cities experienced inflation while 14 cities experienced deflation.

"In general, it shows an increase even though it is slight. If we look deeper, the highest inflation occurred in Kendari City where inflation was 1.33 percent. Meanwhile, the lowest inflation occurred in Makassar at 0.01 percent. On the other hand, the highest deflation occurred in Ternate at 0.34. percent and 0.02 percent in Padang Sidempuan, "he said, in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, July 1.

Suhariyanto said, the month-to-month inflation movement from January to June 2020, the pattern is different when compared to the monthly inflation in previous years. Usually, during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr there is a peak of inflation, but afterwards it slows down.

"But (this pattern) did not occur this year. Because indeed the situation is unusual for a COVID-19 pandemic. In the months of Ramadan and Lebaran, which fall in April and May, inflation is quite flat. But in June, one month after Eid, it has increased. little 0.18 percent, "he explained.

As a group, food, beverages and tobacco contributed significantly to inflation, namely 0.12 percent with 0.47 percent inflation. Several commodities that contributed to the high price increase, namely chicken meat contributed 0.14 percent to inflation. The price of broiler chicken in June has indeed increased in 6 cities, the highest in Gunung Sitoli and Lhokseumawe.

"So if we look at the movement of broiler meat during June, it has actually increased and the increase occurred in 86 cities. So that this month's chicken is the main contributor to inflation in June 2020," he said.

Inflation Contributing Sector

Then, transportation in June experienced the second highest inflation of 0.41 percent and contributed 0.05 percent. From data collection in 90 cities, it can be seen that there is still an increase in air transport rates which contributed to inflation of 0.02 percent.

"There is an increase in intercity transportation rates and the rates for online two-wheeled vehicles, each of which contributes 0.01 percent. So the increase in air transport occurred in 24 CPI cities. For example, the highest increase occurred in Ternate where the increase in air transport rates was 20. percent, "he said.

Meanwhile, the information, communication and financial services group experienced a very small deflation of 0.06 percent. But it did not contribute to deflation. Likewise for recreation, sports, culture and education.

"For the provision of food and beverage restaurants there is an inflation of 0.28 percent and contributes 0.02 percent. Because there is an increase in the food and beverage service sub-service," he explained.