Faisal Basri Sindir Jokowi: The President Doesn't Need To Form A BPN If The Ministry Performs Its Tasks Well

JAKARTA - Senior economist Faisal Basri believes that actually President Joko Widodo or Jokowi does not need to form the National Food Agency (BPN). However, with a note that the ministries in charge of the food sector carry out their respective duties and responsibilities properly and correctly.

"Actually, if all ministries carry out their respective duties and responsibilities well, there is no longer a need for a National Food Agency," he said in a virtual discussion, Monday, August 30.

According to Faisal, food affairs should be sufficiently coordinated through cross-sectoral and cross-regional planning by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas. Then, budget consolidation by the Ministry of Finance.

Then, the data problem can be solved by using a single data source by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). But unfortunately, said Faisal, this was not done and each ministry has a sectoral ego.

"For example, rice imports, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the Ministry of Trade decided, even though there was a meeting against the Ministry of Agriculture, Bulog, and BPS, this should no longer happen. Salt imports are the same way, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the Ministry of Industry are against the KKP. If sugar imports, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the Ministry of Industry vs Ministry of Agriculture," he said.

Then, said Faisal, if there are different perspectives between ministries/agencies, it will be coordinated by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.

"The coordinating minister can't take over the task. Now, right, the coordinating minister takes the task, takes over the duties of the ministry/institution, so he's the one who decides, he said it was based on a meeting, but it's a lie," he said.

Furthermore, said Faisal, if a decision has not been reached, a limited meeting (ratas) will be held by the President prepared by the Minister of State Secretary and the Presidential Staff Office (KSP).

BPN has no teeth

Faisal said the BPN formed by President Jokowi was not effective in solving the food problem in the country. Moreover, the initial idea of BPN with the final one in the form of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 66 of 2021 concerning BPN is very different.

"So the draft was returned to the ministry, the ministry cut it again, cut it again. This BPN has no teeth, no spurs, so there is no need to wait for the spurs because there are no spurs, it appears because there are so many interests and have been distributed to other parties," he said. .

Then, Faisal said that the BPN would later be in the realm of policy. Meanwhile, day-to-day operations will be carried out by Perum Bulog.

"So Bulog carries out stock management, market operations, buys food from farmers, sells food to the public so that prices are stable because food prices should not fluctuate, this concerns the human stomach," he said.

For your information, the formation of BPN by the government is based on Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food, Presidential Regulation Number 48 of 2016 concerning the Assignment of Perum Bulog, and Presidential Decree Number 66 of 2021 concerning BPN.

BPN which is directly under the president has the authority to make food regulations and policies. Especially for nine food commodities, namely rice, corn, soybeans, consumption sugar, onions, poultry eggs, ruminant meat, poultry meat and chilies.

Meanwhile, this agency is also given the authority to give assignments to Bulog as the implementer of policies. As stated in Article 3c and Article 29 concerning the procurement, distribution and storage of government food reserves.