National Police Chief Sigit Talks About Allowance During PPKM Period For Recreational Places, Alludes To Prokes Discipline

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigiti Prabowo reminded all managers of recreational areas or others to strictly implement health protocols (prokes) even though they were allowed to operate during the PPKM period. Because, the potential for an increase in COVID cases is still happening.

"I appeal to the whole community, then places that are currently starting to be given leeway to actually implement health protocols," said Sigit in his remarks at the 93rd Police Academy social service event, Tuesday, August 31.

The government decided to provide concessions of course with various considerations. For example, continued Sigit, to boost the economic value of the community, which had declined during the pandemic.

Therefore, implementing prokes during the pandemic is an obligation. Thus, the economic and health sectors can still go hand in hand.

"Because it is related to the existing concessions, if the community does not implement the health protocols correctly, then the potential for the spread of COVID-19 will reappear," said Sigit.

Then, the National Police Chief also asked all parties who manage shopping centers and so on to use the care-protect application. With this application, you can monitor the community regarding vaccinations and their health.

"Install protection care applications, which at this time of course have begun to be socialized so that they can actually detect those related to people who are active. So that we can maintain and eliminate all people who are active in a healthy condition," said Sigit.