Rizieq Sympathizers Beat The Police Until They Faint

JAKARTA - The masses of Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers acted brutally. In the chaos that occurred in the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) area, four police officers became victims of the beating.

"There were 2 Sabharas who were ganged up, Intel Head, Head of Ops. There were no open wounds, so they were beaten," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki Heryadi to reporters, Monday, August 30.

In fact, the Head of Operations at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Guntur, had lost consciousness because he was beaten and fell. Luckily, the other members immediately helped him.

"He passed out for a long time, he (Head of Ops) fell. He fell a little earlier and then regained his senses. (Cause) He was beaten, beaten," said Hengki.

During the riot, the police arrested 36 Rizieq Shihab sympathizers. Some of them were found to be carrying sharp weapons.

"There are 5 people who carry sharp weapons and the perpetrators of the persecution are processed at the Central Jakarta Police," said Hengki.

The sharp weapon that was secured from the sympathizers was a knife. Currently, the inspection process is still ongoing.

Then, of the 36 sympathizers who were arrested. Most of them were taken to Polda Metro Jaya. In addition, there are also minors.