After A Riot, 36 Sympathizers Of Rizieq Shihab Were Arrested, 5 Of Them Carried Sharp Weapons

JAKARTA - The police have arrested 36 Rizieq Shihab sympathizers who were involved in a riot in the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) area. Some of them were found carrying sharp weapons.

"There are 5 people who carry sharp weapons and perpetrators of abuse are being processed at the Central Jakarta Police," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki Heryadi to reporters, Monday, August 30.

The sharp weapon that was secured from the sympathizers was a knife. Currently the inspection process is still being carried out.

Then, of the 36 sympathizers who were arrested. Most of them were taken to Polda Metro Jaya. In addition, there are also minors.

"36 were secured, 27 (taken) to the Regional Police. Then, 9 people at the Central Jakarta Police, 4 minors, 17 years old and 16 years old, immediately picked up by their parents for coordination," said Hengki.

For information, hundreds of Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers thronged the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) area. In fact, they were involved in a riot with the police.

Until finally, dozens of the masses were arrested by the police. They are said to be involved in a riot by throwing stones and other objects.