DPRD Asked Anies To Apply The New Normal After The First Phase Transition Of The PSBB

JAKARTA - The PSBB transition period for the first phase in Jakarta will end on 2 July. After that, the DKI Provincial Government has two choices, namely continuing the Transitional PSBB or starting to implement new norms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jakarta DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi hopes that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan will resolve the existing restrictions on the transitional PSBB and begin to impose a new normal period, where all activities can be reopened by implementing the standard COVID-19 prevention protocol.

"Hopefully in the future we will go to a new normal, yes. We urge the people of Jakarta to remain disciplined. Health protocols must be enforced, such as wearing masks, always washing hands and using hand sanitizers," Prasetio told reporters, Tuesday, June 30.

According to this PDI-P politician, the new normality is suitable for implementation in Jakarta. This is because currently only 27 RW are in the red zone. Meanwhile, the rest are orange, yellow, and green zones.

Previously, when the transitional PSBB began to be implemented, 66 RWs were included in the COVID-19 tight control area (WPK).

"Of the 66 urban villages, there are only a few RT RWs. We guard the red zone, we narrow the transmission spaces. The local government and the Task Force colleagues in Jakarta are ready to go to the field," said Prasetio.

In addition, Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Zita Anjani, also argued that the transitional PSBB period was ended and continued with new norms. Although the corona virus vaccine has not been found and the number of cases in DKI is still high, according to Zita it is not an obstacle.

"That is natural because we live in the era of COVID-19. Except, we live in a non-COVID-19 era. Currently there is no vaccine. So, there will definitely be less. So, we have to face it," said Zita.

However, said Zita, the new normalcy that he hoped for did not mean opening up all business activities with a high risk of transmission of the corona virus, such as nightclubs and concert performances. He said the activities that should be reopened in the near future are schools.

"Do not let entertainment venues open before education opens. If that happens, I will strongly criticize and reject. I think Mr. Anies is wise, I will not open a nightclub before education," he said.