Social Minister Risma Angry Again About Social Assistance, PKB: Just Step Back, Can't Work

JAKARTA - After his anger went viral about employees who would be transferred to Papua, this time the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini again vented his anger by scolding state-owned bank officials regarding social assistance (bansos) during a working visit in Jember Regency, East Java.

In response to this, Risma was advised to step down instead of continuously displaying angry acts in public spaces.

"There's no point in getting angry. If you're still angry, it's better to just step back. It means you can't work," said PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid, Monday, August 30.

The Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly considered that Risma's always angry attitude proved that the former Surabaya mayor was unable to coordinate his subordinates. Where, he said, should be evaluated internally at the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Moreover, according to Jazilul, the distribution of social assistance that Risma questioned is the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Moreover, his anger was not just once or twice.

"Therefore, what is important today is a deep correction," said Gus Jazil.

Previously, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini was angry about the distribution of social assistance (bansos). This time, Risma scolded a state-owned bank official during a working visit in Jember Regency, East Java, Saturday, August 28.

Risma's emotional moment occurred during a meeting held at a hotel. The Regent of Jember, Hendy Siswanto and his deputy, Gus Firjaun, were also present.

"I give a warning, it is very high (data for residents who have not received assistance). Yesterday in Bandung, I found data, there are 5 thousand that have not been distributed, I think that is very high. In Jember, the total is 8 thousand. Please fix it," said Risma in a high tone.

Then, the BUMN bank official tried to explain why the distribution of social assistance could not be carried out immediately. For example, the technical constraints of banking. However, that explanation made Risma even more angry.

"You never feel, do you, that when a child is orphaned because his parents died of covid, then tomorrow he will have trouble eating," said Risma.