Coordinating Minister Muhadjir: Don't Be Picky About Vaccines, All Are The Same And Have Benefits

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy, encouraged the public to be successful in the COVID-19 vaccination program by not choosing the types of vaccines available. Because according to him, the vaccines used by Indonesia today are all the best and halal.

“Immediately participate in the success of this vaccination program by coming to the locations of vaccination implementation. Do not choose a vaccine because all vaccines are the same and efficacious. God willing, everything is also halal," said Muhadjir, Monday, August 30.

Muhadjir explained that until Thursday, August 26, the achievement of the first dose of vaccination was only 28.53 percent. Meanwhile, for the second dose of vaccine, it was only 16.02 percent.

Therefore, Muhadjir emphasized that to accelerate the achievement of national vaccination, cooperation and participation of all elements of society is needed.

The government, he said, also invites all parties, including social organizations, religious and community leaders, the private sector, business actors from non-governmental organizations and volunteers to continue to work hand in hand to make vaccination successful.

"We are faced with the fact that whether we like it or not, we will inevitably coexist with COVID-19 in a period of time that we cannot yet end," said Muhadjir.

In addition, said Muhadjir, it is also necessary to cooperate with all elements of the nation to implement strict health protocols. And take advantage of all capabilities including digital technology to accelerate recovery in the health and economic fields. Especially in the productivity sector to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Therefore, once again, let's not be careless, stay on high alert so that this pandemic will continue to be under control," said Muhadjir.