The Government Must Form A Market Supervisory Team To Prevent The Spread Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Traditional markets and shopping centers are still locations for the spread of COVID-19. This is proven by the discovery of ten positive cases in five markets in the Tanah Abang area.

Of the ten positive cases found based on the swab results, all were traders at Tanah Abang Market Block A and B, Tanah Abang Metro Wholesale Market, Tanah Abang Central Market, and Tanah Abang Fashion Market.

So, with the discovery of this positive case, it is planned that the Tanah Abang Market Block A and B will be temporarily closed for three days, starting from Wednesday, July 1.

The spread of COVID-19 is still rampant in several markets or shopping centers, so the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) must immediately take preventive steps. This is because, in certain markets, sellers and buyers do not apply health protocols

Public Policy Analyst, Trubus Rahadiansyah, said that one of the right steps must be taken by forming a supervisory team. Later, the team will take action and urge people who do not apply health protocols.

"Indeed, a supervisory team should be formed either in traditional markets or in modern markets," Trubus told VOI, Tuesday, June 30.

Apart from that, the arrangement of the stalls in traditional markets must also be regulated. For example, meat sellers are placed at a certain point, as well as clothing traders.

That way, buyers do not need to go back and forth to certain points to buy the goods they need. So, there is no need for buyers to linger in the market.

Then, the construction between stalls should also be arranged. This can be done by providing a barrier between traders. So, the transmission of COVID-19 can be minimized.

"The point is that there must be supervision. After that, changes can be made to the stall construction so that there is no transmission," said Trubus.

The cause of many positive cases

Airlangga University (Unair) epidemiologist Laura Navika Yamani said the implementation of health protocols in the market was still poor. Both sellers and buyers seem to ignore government regulations and recommendations regarding steps or efforts to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

"The implementation of the protocol in market activities is still seen that has not done both the seller and the buyer," Laura told VOI, Friday, June 19.

For example, maintain physical distance that is not done. Thus, the crowd in the market could not be avoided. From here it is easier for the virus to be transmitted.

Then, the emergence of positive cases in the market was also due to the government starting to target check-ups in hot spots for the spread of COVID-19. That way, positive cases began to be detected and the number was quite a lot.

"Investigations are carried out in areas prone to crowds including markets. So to screen for any positive cases that may exist," said Laura.

Laura emphasized that getting out of the COVID-19 pandemic does not mean changing the system or policy pattern of the government. However, it is more to be consistent in implementing health protocols.

The reason is that maintaining health and hygiene is the only way to prevent contracting COVID-19 at this time. Given, the drug or vaccine from this virus has not been found.

Apart from that, from the government side, continued Laura, it is important to monitor regularly closely. Because, with that the transmission or spread of COVID-19 can be controlled.

"This means that if the health protocol is implemented it will be able to suppress the transmission of COVID-19. I think it will still be a transitional period but it needs to be closely monitored so that a spike in cases does not occur," concluded Laura.