Supporting The Padang Recovering Tourism And Creative Economy Sector, Sandiaga Uno: Actually, We Shouldn't Compete, But Coexist

JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said the COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous challenges to the tourism and creative economy (Parekraf) sectors. Therefore, he assessed that adaptation, innovation and collaboration in efforts to restore the tourism and creative sector must be carried out by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Sandiaga also invited creative economy actors in the city of Padang to strengthen collaboration to be able to rise together from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Sandiaga, cooperation or collaboration between creative economy actors is one of the steps that can be taken to be able to open up business opportunities and create jobs.

"This collaboration is our effort to work together to improve innovation and ideas, but also to open our minds that in fact we should not compete with each other, but side by side. Not competing with each other, but collaborating," said Sandiaga, quoted Monday, August 30.

Furthermore, Sandiaga said while doing a morning jog at Padang Beach, he met people who complained about sedimentation on the beach which made the waves decrease, thereby reducing the potential for surfing tourists.

"One solution that can be done is to collaborate. Business actors in Padang Beach are targeting beginners and professionals in the Mentawai. So they don't compete with the Mentawai, but collaborate, innovate, and adapt. So we can create a travel pattern that will be very attractive to tourists," he said.

This kind of thinking stimulation is what Kemenparekraf is trying to present in collaboration with Regency/City Governments in Creative Words activities. Especially in the city of Padang which has such great potential. Not only in the tourism sector, but also in the creative economy. Mainly in the culinary and fashion sectors.

"The creative economy is basically how we provide added value. Through this program, it is hoped that ideas, ideas, and creations will be stimulated to develop the creative economy. Because for 1 dollar of investment in the creative economy, it will generate six times the number of jobs," he said.

"If it's difficult to find work right now, why don't we create jobs with a creative economy. It's the job of the Creative Word speakers to be able to give enthusiasm and innovation to creative economy actors in the city of Padang," he continued.

Sandiaga emphasized that his party is committed to helping creative economy actors not only survive but also continue to grow. By continuing to provide training support as well as mentoring, including marketing support, making financial reporting, licensing, and access to financing.

"Through the adaptation of health protocols accompanied by a decrease in COVID-19 cases, we will continue to present programs that are right on target, right on benefits, and on time," he said.

Creative Economy is the pillar of the economy in Padang

The Mayor of Padang, Hendri Septa, explained that the creative economy is one of the pillars of the economy in the city of Padang. There are 34 thousand MSME actors in the city of Padang and 62.91 percent of them are engaged in the culinary and fashion sectors, 13 percent.

Assistance from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will further strengthen the work vision of the Padang City government to be able to realize an increase in the people's economy.

"We will make the creative economy the focus of the future, the creative economy as a driver of a community-based populist economy," he explained.