Good News From Indofood, This Company Owned By Conglomerate Anthony Salim Distributes Rp2.44 Trillion Dividend

JAKARTA - PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk on Friday 27 August held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), in which one of the decisions was the distribution of dividends.

The GMS also decided to distribute a dividend of IDR 278 per share to be paid on September 29, 2021. With 8.78 billion shares outstanding, the total dividend to be paid by this company owned by conglomerate Anthony Salim is IDR 2.44 trillion.

"I would like to express my appreciation to all Indofood employees for their contributions and efforts in this challenging year. I also thank all business partners, customers and shareholders for their continued trust and support for the Company," said the President Director and Indofood's Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Salim, quoted from the information disclosure on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, quoted Monday, August 30.

During the meeting, Indofood also appointed former Minister of Research and Technology, Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro as Independent Commissioner for a term of office until the closing of the GMS in 2024.

The following is the composition of Indofood's Board of Commissioners and Directors:

board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Manuel Velez Pangilinan

Commissioner: Benny Setiawan Santoso

Commissioner: Christopher Huxley Young

Commissioner: Joseph Hon Pong Ng

Commissioner: John William Ryan

Independent Commissioner: Utomo Josodirdjo

Independent Commissioner: Hans Kartikahadi

Independent Commissioner: Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro


President Director: Anthony Salim

Director: Francis Welirang

Director: Axton Salim

Director: Tjhie Tje Fie (Thomas Tjhie)

Director: Taufik Wiraatmadja

Director: Alamsyah

Director: Moleonoto (Paul Moleonoto)

Director: Joedianto Soejonopoetro

Director: Hendra Widjaja

Director: Tan Suzi Indriani

Director: Tan Elly (Elly Betty)