The Cause Of Child Sexual Actions In Sukabumi Up To 19 People

JAKARTA - The music tutor with the initials FCL (23) in Sukabumi, West Java, could no longer breathe free air after his lecherous act was exposed. FCL was arrested by the police for alleged cases of deprivation of dozens of children.

This act of sexual immorality was first revealed when the parents of one of the victims reported to the police about the alleged sexual abuse by the perpetrator. Thus, the police secured him at his residence on Sunday, June 28.

Kasat Reskrim Sukabumi Police, AKP Rizka Fadhila said, based on the perpetrator's recognition, the mode used to molest children was by promising to teach them how to play musical instruments.

"That's when he started seducing the victim until sexual abuse occurred," said Rizka to the media crew, Monday, June 29.

He said, the FCL target was not only the children around his house. But from several regions. To find targets, he uses the social media platform Facebook.

FCL has committed this lecherous act since 2019. In fact, he has succeeded in molesting 19 children. Of the dozens of children who were abused, four of them became victims of deviant sex. Because, they are boys.

The police are still developing this case. This is because investigators suspect there are other victims. Currently, the police are tracing the area around the perpetrator's house whose address is in Cibojong Village, Kalapanunggal Sukabumi. This is done to find children who also finger the victim but do not dare to report it.

"There is a possibility of increasing the number of victims, there are only four data that currently have received sodomy treatment, while 15 others are starting to carry out examinations, of course, accompanied by their parents and related agencies," said Rizka.

Abnormalities from the perpetrators were mentioned because they had been victims of harassment when they were still in elementary school.

The cause took many victims

Child abuse cases are not the first time this has occurred. Cases like this keep popping up in several areas. In fact, some of them claimed many victims.

Criminal Law Observer from Al Azhar University, Suparji Ahmad said the factor or the cause of the many victims was a sensitive issue. Where there are victims who refuse to be known because this incident is considered a disgrace.

According to him, this was what the perpetrators took advantage of. Thus, they freely repeat their actions with the same or other victims.

"This crime is a sensitive matter. It is related to honor and shame. So that victims do not dare to report or complain," said Suparji.

Then, with cases of harassment that are considered sensitive. Many of the victims' parents also chose to keep their mouths shut, even though the victim had already been told. So, closing yourself off and as if nothing happened is a step taken.

In addition, the victim's mouth seemed to be locked by the perpetrator in a threatening manner. That way, the victim will not dare to say if he has become a victim of harassment.

"Of course there are threat factors too. The closed character of society also has an effect. So, it is not easy to report to the authorities," concluded Suparji.