When Earthworms Become A Solution To Maintain The Economy In The New Era Of Normality

JAKARTA - In Central Java, earthworms are increasingly popular to be cultivated. In addition to simple breeding methods, the capital required for cultivating earthworms is relatively small but can generate large profits.

"Cultivating worms is very easy, the risk is small and does not require special expertise. So, anyone can be diligent. With a capital of Rp. 500 thousand, worm cultivators earn Rp. 2 million for three to four months," said the Secretary of the Batang Regency Worm Cultivation Association, Aji Puspito. quoted from the official website of the Central Java Provincial Government, Tuesday, June 30.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Batang Batang Wihaji said worm cultivation could be an alternative solution to maintain the people's economy in a new era of normality.

"In addition to being able to revive the economy during a pandemic, worm cultivation can create entrepreneurs that are in line with the Batang Regency Government program, namely creating 1,000 (people) new entrepreneurs," said Regent Wihaji.

Cultivation of worms in Batang, Central Java (Photo: jatengprov.go.id)

It is relatively easy to care for animals belonging to the lumbricus genus. They can live on sawdust, and are sufficiently fed tofu dregs and household vegetable waste every evening.

This cultivation is useful for producing fermented earthworm-based plant fertilizers, as well as herbal teas made from earthworms. This market need is quite high due to insufficient stock of goods. The community was targeted at three tons of worms for three months.

Enthusiasts for this worm cultivation business continue to grow. Currently, there are 400 earthworm breeders in Batang Regency who are members of the worm entrepreneur association.

They are spread across nine sub-districts, including Limpung, Reban Banyuputih, Tersono, Bawang, and others. Through the association, these breeders market their cultivated earthworms to a worm processing company in Malang, East Java.