PPDB Complained, KPAI Asks DKI Jakarta To Provide Phase 2 Zoning Route

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) has received many complaints regarding the selection system for New Student Admissions (PPDB) in DKI Jakarta on the zoning route.

The zoning route is a pathway for prospective students to choose schools based on the school zone in accordance with the prospective student's domicile. The route, which was opened on June 25 to 27, is given a 40 percent portion of the PPDB DKI for the 2020-2021 school year.

Where, when there are two prospective students with the same distance from the residential village to the school, the selection for the fulfillment of the last quota is prioritized for the older student. This has been protested by a number of parents of students.

KPAI Commissioner for Education Retno Listyarti asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to be responsible for the chaos of the PPDB zoning system this year. KPAI gave a recommendation that the DKI Provincial Government reopen the second phase of the zoning route.

In the phase 2 zoning route, the quota given can come from an increase in the number of seats in each state school between 2-4 seats per class. This is done to accommodate children whose homes are close to the school in the kelurahan but are not accepted because of their young age.

"The calculation is that if there are 350 public junior high schools in Jakarta and 6 classes, the total additional seats can accommodate 8,400 students," said Retno when confirmed by VOI, Monday, June 29.

Retno said that increasing the number of seats for the short term was easier. This is because each school does not need to increase the number of teachers and add classrooms in each school which takes a long time.

"If there are only 4 seats per class, surely the school warehouse is still available. Moreover, now it is still the COVID-19 pandemic and there is no learning at school. The Education Office can also provide additional desks if it is not enough," said Retno.

Then, to increase the amount of capacity in the zoning route recommendation phase 2, KPAI urged the DKI Education Office to reduce the quota for special achievement pathways for prospective students from outside DKI, from 5 percent to 2 percent initially.

This is because this year, the quota for class 10 public SMA in Jakarta can only accommodate 32.93 percent of all prospective students. Then, the quota for grade 7 public junior high schools in Jakarta can only accommodate 46.21 percent of all prospective students.

"So, this year, the quota for non-DKI achievement pathways is reduced from 5 to 2 percent. The remaining 3 percent will go to stage 2 zoning route again," said Retno.

"The zoning system in DKI is only 40. In fact, it should be 50 percent. If you add 3 percent to the reduction in the non-DKI achievement pathway plus 4 seats per class, it could be closer to 50 percent according to the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation," he added.

In the future, said Retno, if DKI Jakarta is able to fulfill the rights to education of children in state schools and there are still excess seats, then children from outside the city can be accepted to go to public schools in the DKI Jakarta area.

"After all, why are they accepting people outside the city. Students in the city lack public schools, how come they are still providing them outside the city. In essence, students who are not accepted even though they are close to the school must be held accountable for this year. "closed Retno.