Police Guard BLBI Confiscated Assets And Punish Policy Breakers

JAKARTA - The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that the Bhayangkara Corps would guard and secure the assets that have been controlled by the government related to the debts of obligors and debtors of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI).

"We state that the commitment of the police to secure and guard and carry out the legal process if in the implementation of the state's collection rights for BLBIs that have been granted," said Komjen Agus during a press conference at the Ex-BLBI Asset Control Ceremony by the Task Force (Satgas), Friday, August 27. .

The criminal process in question, said Agus, if later there are parties who try to interfere with policies that have been made by the government. The police are monitoring so that the BLBI debt problem can be resolved.

"We, the police will make efforts to enforce the law if in its implementation there are excesses that can interfere with government policies and decisions to restore the country's rights," said Agus.

Previously, the BLBI Task Force confiscated the assets of obligors or debtors. One of them is a land area of 25 hectares in the Karawaci area, Tangerang.

Not only in Karawaci, the government also confiscated the assets of BLBI fraudsters in a number of locations in Indonesia. The total is 5,291,200 square meters.

For information, BLBI is an assistance scheme (loan) provided by Bank Indonesia to banks experiencing liquidity problems during the 1998 monetary crisis in Indonesia. This step is intended as a bailout so that banks have the ability to maintain cash flow when there is a wave of withdrawals by customers due to economic uncertainty.