FestiFund 2021, President Director Of Indo Premier Sekuritas: This Event Is Held To Improve The Quality And Optimism Of Mutual Fund Investors

JAKARTA - The global economic recovery along with the decline in Covid-19 cases, positive trends in vaccination developments, and the Indonesian government's commitment to suppress the spread of COVID-19 have given new hope and optimism to investors. In addition, various initiatives through government policies, including those carried out by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to stimulate economic growth, have also accelerated the recovery of the domestic economy.

Indonesia has officially come out of recession. Indonesia's economic growth in the second quarter of 2021 skyrocketed to 7.07 percent on an annual basis (year on year / yoy) or returned to the positive zone of economic growth after the last few quarters were under recessionary pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Positive developments are also being felt by the capital market sector. There has been a significant increase in the retail market, both in the number of new investors and the value of transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)," said the President Director of Indo Premier Sekuritas, Moleonoto The at the 2021 FestivalFund Opening Session, Friday 27 August.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno, Head of the OJK 1A Capital Market Supervision Department, Luthfy Zain Fuady and Chairman of the Presidium Board of the Association of Indonesian Mutual Funds and Investment Actors (APRDI), Prihatmo Hari Mulyanto.

Based on data from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), he explained, the number of mutual fund investors currently has reached more than 5 million people. The number of mutual fund investors increased by 63 percent compared to the end of 2020 which only reached 3 million people.

The number of mutual funds in Indonesia as of early August 2021 has reached more than 2,200 products with a net asset value of all mutual funds reaching Rp550 trillion, with a total of 98 Investment Managers and 71 APERD. In other words, public enthusiasm in managing better financial management and interest in investing in the capital market is increasing.

"Seeing the various economic recovery and improvement in the Indonesian Capital Market, we are optimistic that in the future investment in the capital market, especially mutual funds, will continue to grow and become the people's choice of investment to prepare for a better financial future. By carrying out this optimism, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas through IPOTFund as a market participant feels responsible in efforts to improve the literacy of the Indonesian people regarding the capital market. We will realize this commitment through the 2021 FestiFund, "he said.

FestiFund is an annual capital market education activity with an online festival concept that aims to introduce mutual fund products as an alternative investment for new investors who are looking for easy, safe, efficient, and suitable investment products for all risk profiles and investment goals.

The 2021 FestiFund series was enlivened by well-known experts and mutual fund players, such as Prita Ghozie, dr. Tirta Mandira Hudhi, Felicia Tjiasaka, Ligwina Hananto, Analysis Widyaningrum, Ken Handersen to Kristo Immanuel, compiled comprehensively starting from financial planning, introduction to recommended investments for beginners to investment strategies that suit the preferences of each investor.

Previously, the Road To FestiFund 2021 series had been enlivened with mutual fund education, mutual fund content creation competitions to distributing burgers throughout Indonesia.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno in his Keynote Speech with the theme "Rebalancing The Economy" began his presentation with the poem "The layer of natural gas is called the atmosphere. It must be maintained to protect the earth from radiation. Let's increase the spirit of the creative and creative generation with Indo Premier. For the economy to recover after the pandemic."

He then admitted that the Indonesian economy did rebound strongly in the second quarter of 2021, but because there is a Delta variant, it needs to be rebalanced. The way, as the president said, is to live side by side with the COVID-19 virus.

"We can deal with this virus with health protocols and we must focus on policies so that our economy can grow and can open up job and business opportunities so that financial instruments experience healthy growth. This momentum of blessing should be positive energy for the Indonesian economy," said Sandi. Uno.