Gold Thief In Bali Arrested, The Money Pays Bank Debt And Installment Motorbike

TABANAN - The Tabanan Police Team, Bali, arrested the perpetrator of the theft of a box of gold named Wayan Mardianto (40). These construction workers used the money from the sale of stolen gold to pay off debts.

"The person concerned works as a laborer and does this because of economic motives. The gold that was sold, the money was used to pay bank debts, motorcycle installments and daily needs," said Tabanan Police Chief AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra, at the Tabanan Police Headquarters, Friday. , August 27.

The perpetrator was arrested after the theft victim named Ni Made Widnyani reported to the police. The perpetrator was arrested in Badung, Bali on Wednesday, August 25.

AKBP Nefli explained that the perpetrator initially pretended to be looking for kroto bird food "or spirit eggs" at the victim's house which was not far from the perpetrator's residence.

At that time the victim was working so the house was empty.

"Returning from work, the victim found gold jewelry that was placed in a cupboard but not locked and it had disappeared from its place," he added.

From this case, the police secured 1 box of gold jewelry which contained gold necklaces, rings and earrings as well as cash of IDR 200 thousand.

"Of all the stolen goods, the perpetrators in the Tabanan City area have sold one gold bracelet for Rp. 8,500,000. The total loss (of the victim) has reached approximately Rp. 100 million," said AKBP Nefli.

The perpetrator is currently being held at the Tabanan Bali Police Rutan. He was charged with Article 362 of the Criminal Code.