End Of Banser Persecution Matters

JAKARTA - The case of the persecution of two members of the Nahdlatul Ulama Multipurpose Ansor Barisan (Banser) which went viral on social media has finally been resolved. Two days after the incident, the police arrested the perpetrator with the initials HA (30) in his hiding place.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Bastoni Purnama said the suspect who had been looking for his whereabouts was finally arrested in the Depok City area, on Thursday, December 12, afternoon. The location of the arrest is a hermitage where HA calms down from the problems that ensnare him.

"Yes, it is true (the arrest of the suspect). We have secured the concerned person," said Bastoni when confirmed, Thursday, December 12.

After being arrested and examined, the motive behind the persecution is known. It is said that the cause of the incident was only due to a trivial problem, namely the suspect's motorbike almost touched the two victims, so that his anger peaked.

With that reason, the suspect HA was determined to stop the victim's motorbike and immediately carried out the act of persecution.

"The perpetrator from the direction of Lebak Bulus was at the same time as the victim, then felt crushed or touched, then the perpetrator felt annoyed, offended, then the perpetrator chased the victim. Then, in the Pondok Pinang area, the perpetrator stopped the victim, then the persecution happened," said Bastoni.

Based on the suspect's confession, the assumption that the incident was related to a community organization (ormas) was refuted. In fact, it is said that HA is not a member of a particular mass organization and does not have any hatred with Banser.

Thus, the incident occurred purely because of personal problems without involving anyone or any mass organization. "The perpetrator has nothing to do with mass organizations, or with others, only the perpetrators themselves, there are no other elements," said Bustomi.


After the police gave information about the arrest process, HA was given the opportunity to say something. In front of several representatives from Banser members, he conveyed an apology to all Indonesian people.

"I want to apologize to the public, for my actions. I regret the mistake, because it was motivated by an emotional state," said HA who continued his apology to the Banser members.

"My apologies, especially to the community, and especially NU, the Ulama, with our Muslim brothers, Banser and GP Ansor," he continued.

Previously, a video recording circulated on the social media twitter showing acts of persecution by several unknown people. Two members of the Nahdlatul Ulama Ansor Multipurpose Barisan (Banser) were victims.

Based on the narration on the video recording, the incident is said to have occurred on Tuesday, December 10, in the Pondok Pinang area, South Jakarta. However, the initial cause of the persecution is not yet known.

From the video recording, only the voice of the perpetrator could be heard asking the two Banser members to follow his orders, namely by saying takbir. However, both of them were reluctant to follow him and did not seem to respond to the perpetrators.

Then, without replying to the abusers and insults from the perpetrators, the two Banser members also left the location on their motorbikes.