Ustaz Yahya Waloni Becomes A Blasphemy Suspect, Charged With Multiple Articles

JAKARTA - The National Police said that Ustaz Yahya Waloni had been named a suspect in the alleged blasphemy or blasphemy case. Currently, the inspection process is still ongoing intensively.

"It's been (a suspect, ed)," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Friday, August 27.

In this case, Yahya was charged with multiple articles, including Article 28 Paragraph 2 juntco Article 45 A paragraph 2 of the ITE Law regarding intentionally spreading information that can create feelings of hatred and hostility in society based on SARA.

Then, Yahya was charged with Article 156 a of the Criminal Code. Where, the article regulates blasphemy.

"The person concerned is still in the process of being investigated by investigators," said Rusdi. On the other hand, Rusdi said that Yahya's arrest was based on the police report (LP) number LP/B/0287/IV/2021/BARESKRIM dated 27 April 2021. In the report, Yahya considered insulting the Bible in his lectures.

"A criminal act in the form of hate speech based on SARA and also blasphemy against certain religions through lectures that are uploaded via videos on Tri Datu's Youtube account," said Rusdi.

For information, Ustaz Yahya Waloni was arrested at his residence in Permata Housing, Cluster Dragon, Cilengsi, Bogor Regency, West Java, on Thursday, August 26.