Perpetrators Of Alleged Blasphemy Arrested: Muhammad Kece And Yahya Waloni

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is moving quickly in arresting the perpetrators of the alleged blasphemy case. In less than a week, two perpetrators were arrested, they were Muhammad Kece and Ustaz Yahya Waloni.

For Muhammad Kece, a statement that is considered blasphemy is when he uploads a video on his YouTube account. Where, in the video, the word 'Jesus' is inserted in the Muslim greeting sentence

"Assalamualaikum, warrahmatuyesus wabarakatu," said Muhammad Kece.

In addition, he also changed several other sentences. Thus, Muhammad Kece was criticized by various parties.

"Alhamdulillah, jesus hirabbilalamin, all praise is increased by the presence of the Lord Jesus, the father in heaven who deserves to be praised and worshiped," said Muhammad Kece.

This statement caused a stir in the community. In fact, there were four parties who reported Muhammad Kece.

From the report, the Criminal Investigation Department investigated the case. Then, raise the status of the case from investigation to investigation.

Not long after, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that Muhammad Kece had been arrested. He was arrested at his hiding place in the Badung area, Bali, on Wednesday, August 25.

"It is true that the person concerned has been arrested," said Komjen Agus.

After being arrested, Muhammad Kece was brought to Jakarta by plane. He and the investigators arrived at the Criminal Investigation Unit in the afternoon.

Arriving at the Criminal Investigation Department and being taken to the examination room, Muhammad Kece again attracted attention. He had shouted 'greetings conscious' in front of the police.

"Greetings!" said Muhammad Kece.

In fact, he also had time to ask all Indonesian people to be aware. Although it is not clear what he meant, it was most likely related to his remarks which were allegedly blasphemy.

"Hopefully the Indonesian people will wake up! Good afternoon everyone. I'm Muhammad Kece," he said briefly.

Currently, Muhammad Kece has been detained in the state detention center (rutan) of the Criminal Investigation Police of the Indonesian National Police. He was temporarily detained for the next 20 days or until September 13.

As for Ustaz Yahya Waloni, he was only arrested on Thursday, August 26. Of course, his arrest is related to the alleged blasphemy case.

The Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said he was arrested at his residence. At the time of his arrest, Yahya Waloni did not fight or cooperate.

"Arrested at his residence in Cibubur. He is cooperative," said Argo.

Yahya's blasphemy is strongly suspected to be related to his statement that the Bible is fake. So it is considered blasphemy against the Bible.

Moreover, Yahya was reported by the Community of Love Pluralism. The report is registered with the number LP/B/0287/IV/2021/BARESKRIM.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, confirmed that Yahya Waloni's arrest was related to blasphemy. But no details about the form of blasphemy committed.

"Defamation of religion," said Rusdi briefly.