26 Health Workers In Jambi Receive Precious Metals From Pegadaian

JAMBI - PT Pegadaian (Persero) gave appreciation to 26 health workers in Jambi City by giving awards in the form of certificates and precious metals at the Jambi City Health Office.

Vice President of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Jambi and Bengkulu Area, Al Manfaluthy, said this appreciation was given in order to enliven the commemoration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day. as well as the company's concern for the health workers of Jambi City for their hard work in dealing with COVID-19 in the last two years.

"During this COVID-19 pandemic, health workers have worked hard and risked their lives, and they are the spearhead in this situation, and PT. Pegadaian gives appreciation in the form of souvenirs in the form of certificates and precious metals," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 26. .

There was also a total of 26 pieces of precious metals given to 26 health workers in Jambi City, with details of 16 precious metals weighing 0.5 grams each and 10 precious metals weighing 0.1 grams each.

These souvenirs are given to health workers who are members of official hospitals, health centers, health departments and other official agencies.

"To determine who the health workers are entitled to, we can ask for facilitation from the Jambi City Health Office because the Health Office knows who is eligible to get this souvenir. Hopefully the pawnshop can increase the spirit of health workers," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Jambi City Health Office, Ida Yulianti, expressed his gratitude to Pegadaian for the appreciation that had been given to the health workers. With enthusiasm, he hopes that the pandemic will soon pass.

"The health workers are working as hard as they can to reduce the spread of COVID-19 through vaccination. Let's obey the prokes for mutual safety," he said.