Kadin Papua Targets Sago Industry For Export, Promises To Connect Local Entrepreneurs With Investors

PAPUA - The management of the Papua Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) together with the regional government has encouraged the development of the sago industry for export purposes.

"The potential of sago land in Papua reaches 4.7 million hectares and is the largest in the world today," said Chairman of the Papua Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ronald Antonio in Jayapura, Antara, Thursday, August 26.

According to him, the Papua Chamber of Commerce and Industry has met with the Papuan Agriculture, Food Crops and Holtoculture Office regarding the potential for Papuan sago exports.

He said, apart from exports, Papua's potential for sago in the future could be developed into a food estate or regional food security. Thus, in the future, according to the Chairman of the Papua Kadin, Ronald, Papua will no longer depend on other regions for food security issues.

Ronald said the role of Kadin Papua is to encourage the management of sago from upstream to downstream. So it is hoped that there will be connectivity between entrepreneurs and investors.

"We will take it from local entrepreneurs and look for investors. So, Kadin's role is more to liaise between local entrepreneurs and investors, later the relevant agencies will prepare local entrepreneurs," he hoped.

Head of the Plantation Division, Department of Agriculture, Food Crops and Horticulture, Karel Yarangga appreciated the initiative of the Papua Kadin management. Karel gives full support to the sago crop program that will be carried out by the Papua Kadin management.

"Because if the data is released nationally, there are 5.6 million hectares of sago land in Indonesia. Meanwhile, 5.2 million hectares are in the provinces of Papua and West Papua. We have not managed this well," he said.

Currently, there are two areas that will later become the focus of sago development, including Jayapura Regency and Jayapura City because the potential for sago in these two areas is quite large and easier to manage.