Bank Nobu Owned By Conglomerate Mochtar Riady AGM Tomorrow Friday, August 27, Want To Divide Dividends?

JAKARTA - PT Bank Nationalnobu Tbk will hold an annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) tomorrow, Friday 27 August at 14.00 WIB in Jakarta. What is the agenda for the AGMS of the bank owned by the conglomerate Mochtar Riady?

In the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange website, quoted on Thursday, August 26, there were four agendas discussed at the meeting. One of them is the determination of the use of the company's profits for the financial year ending on December 31, 2020.

For information, Bank Nobu posted a net profit of Rp53.61 billion last year. This achievement grew by 17.05 percent compared to 2019 profit of Rp45.80 billion.

In addition to the use of 2020 profits, RUSPT also discussed changes or affirmations of the composition of the company's board of commissioners and directors including the company's independent commissioners and the determination of salaries or honoraria or other remuneration for members of the board of commissioners and directors.

The next agenda is the approval of the annual report and ratification of Nobu Bank's annual financial statements for the 2020 financial year, including the management report of the board of directors and the supervisory report of the board of commissioners for the 2020 financial year.

Not only that, the meeting will also discuss the appointment of a public accountant who will provide audit services on historical financial information for the financial year ending December 31, 2021 and the determination of the honorarium of the Public Accountant to be appointed along with other requirements in connection with the appointment.

"The four AGMS agendas above are routine agendas held by the company in accordance with the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association and the prevailing laws and regulations in the capital market and banking sector," explained the management of Bank Nobu.

Bank Nobu shareholders who are entitled to attend are shareholders whose names are recorded in the shareholder register at the close of share trading on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on August 4, 2021.