Agrees On Interpellation Of Anies Baswedan, Chairman Of DKI DPRD: Formula E Becomes A Burden For The Next Governor

JAKARTA - A number of DPRD members from the PDIP and PSI factions have officially submitted a letter of interpellation rights to the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi. Prasetio himself admitted that he had signed the interpellation proposal as a member of the PDIP faction.

"Today, I have friends from DPRD members, handing over signatures, 25 PDIP and 8 PSI. Full PDIP, I also sign," said Prasetio at the DKI DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 26.

Prasetio views that the DPRD must obtain an explanation from the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding the implementation of Formula E through interpellation.

Because, based on the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the implementation of Formula E has the potential to cause losses to the DKI Regional Budget. If Formula E, which is planned to be held in several seasons, materializes, then the problem of budgeting will be the burden of the next governor.

It is known that Anies Baswedan's term as Governor of DKI Jakarta will end in 2022. Meanwhile, the first season of Formula E will only be held in the same year.

"This has to be rethought. It's nothing, the impact, if the governor is still him (Anies) then thank God it will continue. But if not, it will be the burden of the next governor," said Prasetio.

Prasetio continued, currently the regional budget is in deficit. The pandemic requires the government to spend more specifically on dealing with COVID-19. Moreover, the current regional revenue is jammed.

Not to mention, this electric-powered car racing event, if realized, has the potential to cause a crowd of organizers and spectators. It is feared that the transmission of COVID-19 is increasing.

"This must be anticipated so that the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be completed next year, today, or tomorrow. Moreover, if this mass crowd occurs, if Formula E occurs, I am afraid that this pandemic will increase again," he concluded.