Jakarta Face-to-face School Next Week, DPRD Asks To Prioritize Enrolled Students Who Have Been Vaccinated

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta will open face-to-face schools starting next Monday. Deputy Chairperson of Commission E of the DKI DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, asked the DKI Provincial Government to prioritize students who have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Anggara views that vaccination is the most basic protection for children who are active outside the home, especially studying at school. Moreover, Jakarta has served many vaccinations for children.

“The quota of 50 percent of the capacity must be prioritized for those who have been vaccinated. Those who have not been vaccinated immediately schedule to be vaccinated. We must protect those who have not been vaccinated for health reasons," Anggara told reporters, Thursday, August 26.

Anggara also reminded the DKI Provincial Government to place a COVID-19 Task Force in every school that will implement face-to-face learning (PTM).

This task force, said Anggara, is in charge of monitoring the implementation of health protocols strictly. Then, the school's COVID-19 Task Force must also involve parents of students to support the evaluation of the implementation of PTM.

"There must be someone who is responsible so that the implementation of health can be carried out in an orderly manner, not everything can be left to the awareness of students," said Anggara.

"The face-to-face school trial must be carried out carefully, not too carelessly and in a hurry without careful consideration because the child's health is at stake," he continued.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations Sub-Division of the DKI Education Office, Taga Radja Gah, said that there were 613 schools that would hold PTM in Jakarta. In detail, as many as 85 schools have held PTM trials since April 7, 138 schools on June 9, and an additional 372 schools will join PTM next week.

Taga said, the opening of the school next week will be carried out with a limit of 50 percent of the student's capacity to study in class. PTM is held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with elementary to high school levels.

Based on provisional data from the Education Office, 92.5 percent of students have been vaccinated. Meanwhile, 7.15 percent have not been vaccinated. Then, almost all teachers in Jakarta have been vaccinated, except for those who have comorbidities and have special health conditions that cannot be vaccinated.