Police Hunt For CSOs Who Extorted Building Projects In West Jakarta

JAKARTA - Following up on the viral extortion video carried out by a man who claimed that a community organization (ormas), the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police had conducted a crime scene (TKP) at the extortion site, in one of the projects in the Joglo area, Kembangan, West Jakarta.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police, AKP Ferdo Alvianto, said that his party immediately rushed to the TKP at that time because of the rush of information that came in regarding the blackmail incident which had gone viral on social media, since Wednesday, August 25.

"We have received reports of allegations of extortion at the project in Joglo," AKP Ferdo Alvianto told reporters, Wednesday night, August 25.

During the crime scene, the victim and a number of witnesses were presented to be questioned about the extortion information.

"We checked the crime scene and examined the witnesses, we pocketed the alleged perpetrators and the characteristics of the perpetrators," added Ferdo.

Fredo strongly suspects that the perpetrator asked for or withdrew the security ration money from one of the project staff.

"Allegedly asking for a share (money) for security," said Ferdo.

However, Ferdo did not mention the specific details of the amount of money requested by the perpetrators as seen on CCTV.

"We are still investigating, please pray for it," said Ferdo.

The extortion action went viral on social media, in the footage a man in a long-sleeved blue shirt asking for money from a female project staff.

Video CCTV footage at the scene of the blackmail of mass organizations: