PLN Targets All Villages In East Kalimantan To Connect To Electricity In 2022

BALIKPAPAN - PT PLN (Persero) is committed to electrifying all villages and villages in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) and North Kalimantan (Kaltara) by 2022.

"Currently, out of a total of 1,038 villages in East Kalimantan, we have electrified 823 villages, so there are still 215 villages that have not been electrified," said PLN's Sumatra and Kalimantan Regional Business Director Muhammad Ikbal Nur as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 25.

In North Kalimantan out of 482 villages, PLN has electrified 309 villages or there are still 173 villages that have not received electricity.

In August, PLN succeeded in adding 24 villages with electricity in East Kalimantan and Kaltara. Some of them are remote villages. In North Kalimantan these villages are 13 villages in the Terang Baru Village group and Brian Baru Village in Krayan District, Nunukan Regency, and 1 village, namely Seputuk Village in Tana Tidung Regency.

In East Kalimantan, there are Sidobangen Village, Kelay District, Berau Regency; Cipta Graha Village and Mukti Lestari Village in East Kutai Regency; Perian Village in Kutai Kartanegara; Jambu Makmur Village and Muara Gusik Village in West Kutai Regency; Lomu, Riwang, Perapat, and Sungai Batu villages in Paser Regency.

To electrify the 24 villages, PLN invested Rp47.5 billion.

"We have potential new customer connections as many as 2,378 customers spread across these villages," said Ikbal.

In August, PLN increased electricity supply hours at 15 Village Service Unit (ULD) points, also in East Kalimantan and Kaltara. At these 15 points, electricity is now available for up to 24 hours after previously only 12 hours per day.

According to Ikbal Nur, with the addition of these hours of supply, no more villages that have been electrified by PLN receive electricity supply for less than 12 hours per day.

PLN increased operating hours from 6 hours to 12 hours at 9 ULD, namely PLTD Dilang Puti and PLTD Kelumpang in West Kutai; PLTD Long Apari and PLTD Long Pahangai in Mahakam Ulu; ULD Long Segar, ULD Muara Pantun, and ULD Bumi Etam in East Kutai; ULD Maratua in Berau; and ULD Lumbis Ogong in Nunukan.

Then there is an increase in supply hours from 12 hours to 24 hours at 6 ULDs which include PLTD Tabisaq, PLTD Muara Siran, PLTD Jantur, PLTD Semayang, and PLTD Tabang in Kutai Kartanegara Regency; and ULD Batu Putih in Berau.

"We are targeting a total of 24 hours by 2023," said Ikbal.

“With 24-hour electricity, our houses are bright at night, and the children can study comfortably. On behalf of the villagers, I thank you because PLN has realized our hope of getting electricity for 24 hours," said Robi, a resident of Semayang Village, Kota Bangun, Kutai Kartanegara.