Antartick And Bogorian Voices Voices Optimism In Our Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Antarctic band and a number of musicians from Bogor called Bogorian Voice released a single song entitled Indonesia Kita. This song is an invitation to all parties that the changes that have occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic are not a reason to complain and give up.

This song focuses on the point "There is always wisdom behind a disaster". A word of encouragement that we have heard since birth. That is the basis for Antartick's collaboration with 17 vocalists from Bogor.

Why choose Bogor? Because this city is the birthplace of the band that popularized the song Kebas. If we can't see our surroundings, how can the world see it?

The song Indonesia Kita was created by guitarist Anang. This song tells the story of the things that happened that he saw, heard and felt during the current global pandemic.

Not just a song, Indonesia Kita is a small movement initiated by Antartick and Bogorian Voice to promote togetherness and rise from the downturn caused by COVID-19.

"It's time to get up, get back to work and roll out the wheels of life. Because life can't just be at home. Of course, safety and health are factors that must be prioritized," said Anang in a written statement received by the editorial desk.

Through this single, Antartick also wants to convey a manifestation of the concept of diversity. Because the 17 vocalists or singers who joined this song had different musical backgrounds. Starting from pop, rock, folk and even punk and metal.

Among the singers they are Rudi Blues Ariyanto (The B * k * ng), Ipey & Komo (19 Twenty), Rila Utomo (Ambarila), Dewo (Saptarasa), Fiany (Mariposa), Rinjani Reza, Borie (Kraken) , Mang Toke (As Known As), Ncung Suryana (The Partikelir), Mang Coim (Oncom Hideung, Deden (Peramu), Ahong (Mery Celeste), Si Koran (Jeans Roek), Nova (HLMN), Robby (My Beloved Enemy ) and Cinya (Airtunes).

"This is the project that makes me feel bored the most. I didn't expect that the friends we collaborate with are willing and enthusiastic and enjoy going through the production process, even though they have to comply with the PSBB rules. The character of each vocalist gives a positive energy to the whole song. the energy can reach everyone who hears this song, ”said Helvi (bassist) who also sang in this song.