Micah Angelo Fights Fear In The Run

JAKARTA - Mikha Angelo released a new single, entitled Run. Through this song, he tries to convey the message that having fear is normal, but that doesn't mean you have to be quiet and not fight back.

This talented young musician, songwriter and producer has released his second single since June 12. This is a follow-up to the first single, Shot.

"Every person in this world has their own fear, and sometimes that fear is very big. But, do you know that fear is just a thought in our heads that we can fight? You can't escape your fear but you can run to fight it, "said Mika in a written statement received by the editorial desk.

"As you get older, you will learn to conquer it. You will learn how to love and how to deal with that fear," continued Micah.

After running 7 years of his musical journey with The Overtunes, Mikha Angelo, decided to start his career as a solo singer on an independent path.

Without putting aside, The Overtunes, Mikha Angelo is committed to continuing to run both.

It is clear that this pandemic has not prevented Micah from remaining productive. It is evident from the song writing, composition, and production processes all done by Micah himself.

In fact, it was Micah who played all the instruments used in this single.