Out Of The Red Zone, School Children In South Sumatra OKU Can Learn Face To Face

JAKARTA - The South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency Government, South Sumatra is ready to hold a face-to-face learning process (PTM). This follows the area has been out of the red zone of the spread of COVID-19.

The South OKU Regent, Popo Ali accompanied by the Head of the local Education Office, Zulfakar Dhani, said that his party is currently preparing for the PTM which will be held in the near future.

"Although the schedule has not been confirmed, what is certain is that South OKU is ready to hold a limited PTM," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 25.

He explained that the implementation of this face-to-face school followed up on the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs and the Joint Decree (SKB) of the four Ministers which allowed PPKM Level 1-3 areas to carry out limited PTM.

Following up on the instructions, he said, his party has held a meeting with the School Committee and received a letter of approval from the parents to hold a limited PTM in the midst of the pandemic. also 80 percent of teachers in the region have been vaccinated.

"Most schools in South OKU have prepared health protocol equipment such as hand washing facilities provided for teachers and students," he said.

Face-to-face learning activities in the midst of the pandemic will be carried out by implementing the 3M health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining distance between students.

The capacity of learning classrooms will also be limited to only 50 percent so that there are no crowds that have the potential to cause clusters to spread COVID-19, said Popo Ali.