The Employee Reported To The KPK Supervisory Board, Alexander Marwata: What Can I Do?

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata submitted his report to the KPK Supervisory Board. He said he could not ask Tumpak Hatorangan et al. to refuse the report made by his employee.

"Regarding my report to the KPK Council, what can I do? I can't ban the Dewas, 'just refuse'," said Alexander, quoted from the Indonesian KPK's YouTube show, Wednesday, August 25.

He said he was waiting for clarification. "Just waiting for the call from the Council to clarify," he said.

Previously, Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said he respected the report against Alexander Marwata made by Novel Baswedan et al to the KPK Supervisory Board for allegedly violating the code of ethics. He said that reporting is the right of all parties.

"Reports or complaints to the KPK Council can be made by anyone and this is the right of all parties," Ali told reporters on Monday, August 23.

His party, continued Ali, fully handed over to the KPK Supervisory Board regarding this reporting, including the follow-up. He said he would not interfere or intervene.

This report was made by KPK employees who did not pass the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) who were members of Team 57. The report on the alleged ethical violation was related to a press conference containing defamation or insult to 51 inactive employees on May 25.

At that time, Alex was suspected of violating the code of ethics because he made a statement "... while the 51 people returned from the assessor, it was already red in color and it was not possible for coaching to be carried out...". The statement is considered to have harmed KPK employees.

The act is alleged to have violated the code of ethics and code of conduct of KPK personnel, namely the basic values of justice, Article 6 Paragraph (2) Letter d; Article 6 Paragraph (1) letter a; Article 8 Paragraph (2); and Article 4 Paragraph (1) letter c.