The Philanthropic Institute Of Conglomerate Sukanto Tanoto Again Gives 100 Units Of Oxygen Concentrators To Hospitals In West Sumatra

JAKARTA - The Tanoto Foundation through PT Apical again provided assistance in the form of 100 units of oxygen concentrators for handling COVID-19 in 10 hospitals in West Sumatra (Sumbar).

"Our business unit in West Sumatra received many conveniences in obtaining permits when Governor Mahyeldi was still the Mayor of Padang. This made us intrigued to be able to help ease the burden in handling COVID-19 in West Sumatra," said Tanoto Foundation representative Gunawan in Padang, quoted from Between, Wednesday 25th August.

According to him, West Sumatra is one of the regions that has received the most assistance from the philanthropic organization belonging to the conglomerate Sukanto Tanoto. Previously, 18 tons of liquid oxygen had also been distributed to meet the oxygen demand in the hospital.

"Of the 2000 units distributed in all regions in Indonesia, West Sumatra is the one that received the most assistance," he said.

Gunawan said that before distributing aid to the regions, his party communicated with the Indonesian Ministry of Health and West Sumatra was one of the recommended areas to get more oxygen concentrators.

He said the oxygen concentrator was chosen because it could be used directly by the hospital without being processed first like liquid oxygen. The oxygen concentrator is enough to be connected to the electricity network and can be used immediately. One tool can be used for two people.

Meanwhile, West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi thanked the Tanoto Foundation for helping West Sumatra twice in handling COVID-19.

He explained that currently the only area in West Sumatra that is affected by the PPKM level 4 policy is the City of Padang, because the occupancy of beds for COVID-19 patients (BOR) in hospitals is quite high. This is because the city of Padang receives referrals for COVID-19 patients from all regions in West Sumatra, even from outside the province.

"If only the people of Padang City are served, the BOR must be low. However, this is a dynamic that must be faced," he said.

The solution that can be done, according to the governor, is to add oxygen concentrators and ventilators for hospitals in districts and cities so that they can handle COVID-19 patients, at least for mild and moderate symptoms. Thus, there are not too many patients referred to Padang, so the BOR of hospitals in Padang City can go down and escape the PPKM level 4 policy.

The oxygen concentrators from the Tanoto Foundation will be distributed to 10 hospitals in West Sumatra, namely Pariaman Hospital (14 units), Padang Panjang Hospital (10), Lubuk Basung Hospital (10), Prof. Mental Hospital. Dr. Hasan Basri Saanin (6), RS. Andalas University (14), Mohammad Natsir Hospital (10), Lubuk Attitude Hospital (10), Muara Labuh Hospital (6), Mentawai Islands Hospital (5), and Achmad Mochtar Hospital (15).