The Cost Of Treating COVID-19 Patients At The Cut Nyak Dhien Hospital Meulaboh Is Up To Rp. 146 Million Per Person

MEULABOH - West Aceh Regent Ramli MS said the cost of treating COVID-19 patients in the Pinere Room at the Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh Regional General Hospital reached Rp. 146 million per person.

"The cost of treating COVID-19 is very expensive, if one person is this big, then if it is multiplied for one month, how much money is it?" said Regent Ramli MS in Meulaboh, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 25.

The statement was made when Regent Ramli attended the inaugural vaccination of the Moderna vaccine at the Health Service Complex of West Aceh Regency in Meulaboh.

Therefore, the public is obliged to maintain health in the midst of the current pandemic, because to treat patients who are sick due to being infected with COVID-19, which is more than Rp. 146 million per person, it is very large.

The regent of West Aceh hoped that the large medical costs for one patient would not be used by certain parties to seek profit in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This fund of Rp. 146 million per person is very large. If it can be used, it is efficient, so that it does not burden regional finances," said Ramli.

He also asked the paramedics who have been treating COVID-19 patients to really carry out their duties to provide services to patients seeking treatment in hospitals, so that the community can get maximum service.